Scrap Brain Zone - Chaos Emerald
Sonic the Hedgehog Red Chaos Emerald with Scrap Brain (8Bit) Zone Base.
Start your Chaos Emerald collection today together with the most popular and exclusive made Sonic Zones.
As the last zone from the first Sonic game in our Chaos Emerald Zone Base Series, I chose the Scrap Brain Zone from the 8Bit Master System version. I find Sonic 1 on the Master System better than the 16Bit version. It was the first 8bit game I had and despite simpler graphics I found it much more coherent, cheerful and also the music better - especially from the Scrap Brain Zone.
Nevertheless, the Scrap Brain Zone is one of the most famous final zones of the Sonic series and is the perfect conclusion of the Sonic 1 series our Chaos Emeralds Zone Bases.
It comes with 2 of its most famous objects, the Ring Monitor and the Spark Coil.
The Base is made from resin and handpainted. I use coatings and airbrush to color everything and acrylic paints for the objects. Since its handmade and handpainted please allow small differences in the make.
The Chaos Emerald for this Zone is the Red Emerald. Its cast from red clear resin and high polished.
The Base is around 11x11cm / 4,3" wide and long and 6cm / 2,4" high.
The Chaos Emerald is around 7cm / 2,7" high and 8cm / 3,2" in dia